Know where your workers are
Our system allows you to know exactly when workers arrive or leave the site. In an emergency it can immediately provide you with a reliable list of who you should be looking for and if possible, where they were last seen on site.

Our tiny wireless tags come in a variety of sizes and configurations and can easily be carried by workers in person or attached to safety hats etc. The long-range Bluetooth 5 tags and gateways are specifically designed to manage the business rules around site attendance, Our open architecture allows you to easily configure devices and integrate with your preferred back-end system.

Chat with us about your specific requirements.

Key Features

  • Large range of different tag sizes and formats
  • Extremely long battery life
  • Low cost allows rapid, high volume deployment
  • Long range gateways enhance reliability
  • Business rules in Dashboard can be customised


Specifications vary depending on the type of tag you need.